Monday, September 30, 2019

NFL, Fleer, and Shell Takes You to School

One of packs I picked up at Houston Sports Connection for a quarter and its the one I never seen or heard before. Fleer and Shell teamed up producing these cards known as Fleer Shell FACT. Research showed they produced these from 93 to 96 splitting into five sets gearing toward school kids. I don't know how the packs are distributed. The one I got is from set 4 of 96 Fleer Shell. Back of the cover card is a scoreboard on notching points from the words problems and questions they asked.
Set 4 featured these players with Chester McGlockton being macho, Ricky Running Watters, QB Slash catching a ball, Troy Drayton, Aaron Hayden, Ken Norton running with a ball from a turnover,  Rick Mirer (Jets fan trying to forget he played for them), Hardy Nickerson, Henry Ellard, Aeneas Williams showing who's no. 1, Terrence Mathis, the late Eric Turner, Carl Pickens, and Prime Time homing on a target. This is very good selection with blurb on front of the player's greatest game. The back have no stats just word problem questions.

As for the questions its "Are You Smarter Than 5th Grader?" on cardboard. Not all the cards have the answer key. Can you able answers those questions on the back
How many points did you get at the end? This isn't bad for quarter.

1 comment:

  1. My first year of teaching (1998), I stumbled across a box in my classroom. Inside were a bunch of these packs. If I remember correctly there each of the 6 sets came in their own boxes with 36 packs. Not sure what I did with them. Might have sold them all when I purged my collection in 2001. Or maybe I passed them out to kids that year.
