Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Day After

It's all over national news now. A guy randomly shot and killed 7 people and injuring 21 in Odessa, TX. I was at work the news broke. I live about 15-20 minute drive where it occurred. It was so much crazy stuff happening. People are edge and giving whatever word of "updates" circulating around. What was circulating around was a shooting at Home Depot/Music City Mall and there was word two shooters, one in a gold Toyota and the other hijacked a postal truck and was on the way to Midland. Every business around Loop 250 in Midland shutdown for safety concerns. Then it ended in Odessa on the highway that is across from Cinergy (Dave and Busters or Main Event like place). Turns out it was one guy doing the random shooting and attempted to breakthrough a road block that was set up.

What was setup to be a Labor Day weekend turned tragic around here. The week long Permian Basin Fair opened up Friday night. Yesterday afternoon everything just stopped. It was very surreal day and more soul searching around Midland-Odessa area on this random senseless act. I drive on 191 get to Odessa. Going be eerily rough for a while when I drive past Cynergy to Loop 338.

Prayers goes to everyone affected and let the cities heal.

1 comment:

  1. It's sad how often these shootings are starting to take place. My thoughts go out to all of the people who were affected... as well as the people impacted by Hurricane Dorian.
