Friday, December 16, 2022

10 Years in the Making

When 2012 Allen & Ginter came out I went to the local card shop and bought the hobby box on the day it got released. Months followed with me buying up blaster boxes trying complete the set to the point I was getting repeats that I don't need to buy blasters and going after singles. Like almost every set I tried to build I stop then start again later years later. 2012 Allen & Ginter is no different as I would buy singles once in a while throughout the years. Then in a collector moment I would forget to update the checklist database and end up re-buying some of those singles. After realizing I just need less than 10 cards I made it my mission to complete the set. One of the cards was Bobby Hurley, Sr. that took me a while track down despite not being a short-print. After that I just needed two cards and one of them was kinda biggie: Derek Jeter and Mike Trout. Jeter is no problem as I picked one up for a $1. Then there's the Trout card that commands spending big bucks. If you want track one down on Ebay expect to spend $15-$20 and its not even his rookie card. Luckily there was one seller with a buy now price of $10. I jumped on it quickly and now I have wait for the cards to come in the mail to make the set officially complete. Then it came:

And boom there it is. The 2012 Allen & Ginter set finally complete as it took me ten years to finish it. With one set done time to see what other sets I need to complete and there's alot of it in my collection.


  1. Great accomplishment, well done. Always fun to reach a collecting goal.

  2. Congratulations on completing the set. $10 seems like a great deal on the Trout. I feel like there was a time when that card was selling for crazy money.
