Sorry for missing last week Match of the Week. Was super busy and tired from work related bs I dealt with. I'm back with this week entry.
Match of the Week: Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn (ECW Guilty as Charged 2001)
Final showdown in the final match of final ECW PPV |
On January 7 marks the 15th anniversary of final ECW PPV ever produced
with RVD and Jerry Lynn ending the show.
Going to the PPV its obvious company is its last legs with wrestlers owed money and checks getting bounced. It resulted Rob Van Dam leaving. Shows getting cancelled. Paul Heyman stop showing up at events. Now they have no TV show and fewer shows in between PPV heading to this event.
ECW promise a big surprise on the show. Jerry Lynn pretty much gave it away on Rob Van Dam being at there when he said he's not here and will only wrestle in main events. Other surprises include Nova turning to Heavy Metal Nova. Appareance of Missy Hyatt who was Justin Credible pre-match sex partner. Rhino destroyed Balls Mahoney, Chilly Willy, Johnny Swinger, Simon Diamond, Blue Meanie, Jasmine St. Claire and Dawn Marie. He would later appeared after Sandman won ECW World Heavyweight title goring him and taking the belt with him. This brought out the surprise Rob Van Dam. Jerry Lynn entered and both have a match. The match wasn't the best as their previous PPV encounters but its still decent. RVD did his spots while Lynn did his part to wild crowd which at times forgot about the match. Joel Gertner getting the best out of Cyrus DDTing him. He would assist in RVD hitting Van Terminator on Jerry Lynn ending the final ECW PPV match.

Show ended to video clips of the PPV to infamous ECW theme song mentioning next ECW PPV Living Dangerously on March 11. PPV never happen as they ran few shows in
Arkansas afterwards before closing down ending its glorious run.
Paul Heyman wound up on WWE along with many others such as Rhino, Spike Dudley, Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn, RVD, and Tommy Dreamer within months after ECW closed. Four years later ECW have their hurrah with One Night Stand PPV. E-C-DUB!